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Warsaw Travel Map & Poland East
Warsaw & Eastern Poland travel map. This is a double sided map, with an inset of central Warsaw included on side 2. The map shows the entire country in detail, including the latest information on Polands increasingly sophisticated network of motorways. It
Our Price: $16.95

Product Code: 417200

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Warsaw & Eastern Poland Travel Map. This is a double sided map, with an inset of central Warsaw included on side 2. The map shows the entire country in detail, including the latest information on Poland's increasingly sophisticated network of motorways. It is a large country, rich in history and touristic appeal. Our map includes dozens of castles, points of interest, and places where accommodations might be found. As Poland is now reasonably prosperous, we have included hundreds of gas station symbols, merely to encourage visitors that the country is not only safe to visit, but doing so will not present difficulties. The two sides divide the country into western and eastern portions, with about a half pleat s worth of overlap so the map can be conveniently used. Poland has great tourist potential and we hope that this new map will find favor with end users.