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This A-Z map of Southern England is a full colour regional road atlas featuring 42 pages of continuous road mapping. This Southern England Road Atlas is shown at a clear 2.5 miles to 1 inch scale (1.58 km to 1 cm) and includes the following features: Moto
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Southern England Regional Road Atlas
Our Price: $16.50

Product Code: 487975

Description Size / Specs
This A-Z map of Southern England is a full colour regional road atlas at 1:158,400 scale, featuring 42 pages of continuous road mapping. This Southern England Road Atlas is shown at a clear 2.5 miles to 1 inch scale (1.58 km to 1 cm) and includes the following features: Motorways open with full junction detail, motorways under construction and proposed, service areas, primary routes and destinations, A & B roads, selected minor roads, gradients 1:5 and steeper, tolls, mileages, county boundaries, spot heights and hill shading, Selected safety camera locations with their maximum speed limits, Selected fuel stations, National Park boundaries, Selected places of interest, tourist information centres and golf courses.