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Athabasca Pass Trail - Jasper National Park map
Athabasca Pass Trail - Jasper National Park map.  This folded paper map shows the trail from Highway 93A to Committee Punch Bowl (Athabasca Pass) within Jasper National Park, Alberta at a scale of 1:50,000 with shaded relief. Contour intervals are in 25m
Our Price: $19.95

Product Code: TNM296


Athabasca Pass Trail - Jasper National Park map. This folded paper map shows the trail from Highway 93A to Committee Punch Bowl (Athabasca Pass) within Jasper National Park, Alberta at a scale of 1:50,000 with shaded relief. Contour intervals are in 25m and 100m intervals. Includes a protective sleeve.

The Athabasca Pass is a historical hike with impressive scenery. Much of the trail has not changed since the days of the fur trade. The map ends at the National Historic Site of Athabasca Pass and the Committee’s Punchbowl. Fur traders traditionally stopped here and toasted the officers of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The last park hiker campground is 1 km below the pass.