Alberta & Saskatchewan Cold Production Oil map. Showcases Oil Leases specific to the Cold Production Belt that stretches from the Cold Lake Oil Sands in Alberta, down past Lloydminster going south towards Swift Current in Saskatchewan. This map shows who has leased specific leases in this prolific oil producing area. This area is known for where the oil can be pumped to the surface without the introduction of heat. Hence the term Cold Production.
Includes Oil Sands and Conventional Leases, Land Sales. Players with more than two townships of land are represented on the map. Broker held lands and companies with under two townships of land are depicted in one color. Also represented is grid (townships and sections), lakes and rivers, military bases, parks, places and First Nations. Infrastructure data includes symbolized Wells and Major Pipelines that are 16" outside diameter and greater. Some examples include Keystone and Express pipelines. Shows the Cold Lake and Athabasca Oil Sands boundaries.
Great for reports, presentations or to improve the overall understanding of the Cold Production Belt.
This laminated paper map covers Township 22 to 69 Range 10 West 3 to Range 18 West 4.