Canadian Topographic Maps - Northwest Territories
1:250 000 and 1:50 000 scale NTS Maps
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Each lettered square on the topo map index above represents the following 1:250 000 scale topo maps: 86A - Winter Lake, 86B - Indin Lake, 86C - Hardisty Lake, 86D - Rivière Grandin, 86E - Leith Peninsula, 86F - Calder River, 86G - Redrock Lake, 86H - Point Lake, 86I - Napaktulik Lake, 86J - Hepburn Lake, 86K - Sloan River, 86L - Takaatcho River, 86M - Bebensee Lake, 86N - Dismal Lakes, 86O - Coppermine, 86P - Kikerk Lake.