Belize & Eastern Guatemala travel map. It isn’t often that a popular map such as Belize is changed into a new map, but we think there is a good reason for this change. Belize, as a country, is charming, sunny, and a popular travel destination. That hasn’t changed. Many visitors move westwards into eastern Guatemala to tour the Tikal complex of ruins. This is shown on our Guatemala map, but a lot of our buyers of our Belize map are only going to this corner of Guatemala, then returning to Belize. Why not give them added value? Belize is still shown in excellent detail, with an updated map of Belize City. The other side shows all of eastern Guatemala and includes a detailed map of Guatemala City. As a further improvement, we have printed this edition on durable, waterproof Plastic paper.
- Size: 27 Inches by 39 Inches
Scale: 1:470,000 / 1:300,000