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18704 San Luis Obispo Bay & Port San Luis - Historical Nautical Chart
NOAA Chart 18704. Nautical Chart of San Luis Obispo Bay and Port San Luisy. NOAA charts portray water depths, coastlines, dangers, aids to navigation, landmarks, bottom characteristics and other features, as well as regulatory, tide, and other information
Our Price: $24.95

Product Code: 18704

Waterproof & Tear Resistant [Add $11.00]
Laminated NOAA Chart [Add $16.00]


Description Size / Specs
NOAA Chart 18704. Historical Nautical Chart of San Luis Obispo Bay and Port San Luisy. NOAA charts portray water depths, coastlines, dangers, aids to navigation, landmarks, bottom characteristics and other features, as well as regulatory, tide, and other information. They contain all critical corrections published in notices to mariners since the last new edition of the chart was released, as well as any newly compiled routine changes.

  • Chart is NOT up-to-date since it is out of continual maintenance
  • Chart does NOT include all of the latest Notice to Mariners corrections.
  • The data from which this POD chart is produced is NOT certified by NOAA for navigation use, and is NOT correct to the date of printing
  • Future Notice to Mariners corrections will NOT be applied to the chart
  • The product will NOT meet U. S. and international carriage requirements for commercial vessels defined in SOLAS Chapter V Regulation
  • The chart is NOT a U. S. Coast Guard approved product.

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